
Superhero taking to the skies

Change Your World: Best Practices and Recommendations for Saving for Superyacht Crew

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Did you know that superyacht crew have a superpower? You might not be able to save the world, but you can save money far beyond the abilities of most people. In fact, you can save so much money, you can…
Read More Change Your World: Best Practices and Recommendations for Saving for Superyacht Crew

How to Build Another Life After Yachting: Transitioning with Confidence

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It will happen to you one day. Your time working on board superyachts will be over. That means, right now, you have two choices. You can take the blue pill, and continue to amble through your career in yachting with…
Read More How to Build Another Life After Yachting: Transitioning with Confidence
Superyacht crew live inside a golden bubble of luxury, but they will achieve a meaningful life outside that bubble

The Myth of Yachting Luxury: Understanding Real Financial Health

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Have you seen the meme with Denzel Washington? The one that questions your very existence as superyacht crew? This one: It’s one of ours. Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t. Regardless, you probably do recognise the truth of what…
Read More The Myth of Yachting Luxury: Understanding Real Financial Health
Money heading towards a target to illustrate the concept that investing needs purpose to make it effective.

Investment Without Purpose: Why It Fails

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Here’s something you’ve probably never been told before: Investment without purpose is meaningless. Here’s another one: Money is boring. Taken together, they are the two main reasons why for many superyacht crew investing is not only a wasted opportunity, but likely to…
Read More Investment Without Purpose: Why It Fails
Accountability for superyacht crew. Present You is accountable to Future You

The Role of Accountability in Financial Planning for Yacht Crews

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A few years ago, we came to the conclusion that something was holding superyacht crew back from reaching their financial goals. We’re not talking about superyacht crew who talk a good talk about financial planning but don’t actually do anything…
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Financial growth for superyacht crew

Personal Growth and Financial Stability: Achieving both on Board

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Ironically, a superyacht gives you both the best environment for personal growth and financial stability—and the worst. When guests or the owners are on board, it’s a high-pressure, high performance place. One that leaves little space for you to think…
Read More Personal Growth and Financial Stability: Achieving both on Board
Financial security for superyacht crew expressed as a padlock

Financial Planning for Yacht Crew: Creating a Secure Future On and Off the Sea

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A secure financial future is something all superyacht crew should strive for. Why? Because being financially secure will give you the freedom after yachting to choose how you live your life on your terms—free from the demands and priorities of…
Read More Financial Planning for Yacht Crew: Creating a Secure Future On and Off the Sea
Financial hurdles for superyacht crew and how to overcome them

The Financial Challenges Superyacht Crew Face and How to Overcome Them

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Working in the superyacht industry provides a special lifestyle. You live and work on board, you have substantial disposable income and you get to travel a lot. But the lifestyle also has its personal and financial challenges. You don’t have…
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The Importance of Life Planning before Financial Planning

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Financial planning is essential for superyacht crew. You are going to have a life after your yachting career. If you plan carefully your yachting career should be a life changing opportunity that enables you to live the future life of…
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Financial Planning Superyacht Crew

Bespoke Financial Planning: Tailored for Superyacht Crew Needs

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Why would superyacht crew need bespoke financial planning? In fact, why would they need financial planning at all? The first question is easy to answer. Without a proper financial plan, you won’t have the financial foundation to make your life…
Read More Bespoke Financial Planning: Tailored for Superyacht Crew Needs

Understanding International / Offshore Investments: A Guide for Superyacht Crew

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‘Offshore investing’ or ‘international investing’ is often associated with the ultra-rich. In other words, the kind of people superyacht crew like you work for. It’s not seen as something the ordinary person can do, nor maybe even should do. There’s…
Read More Understanding International / Offshore Investments: A Guide for Superyacht Crew
Why don't financial planners work for free?

Why Don’t Financial Planners Work for Free?

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In an ideal world, financial planners could work for free. In fact, in an ideal world, everything would be free. But that’s not practical or ever likely. After all, things cost money. And, like everyone else, financial planners have overheads. But…
Read More Why Don’t Financial Planners Work for Free?
10 Steps to life after yachting

How to Build Another Life after Yachting in 10 steps

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A fulfilling life doesn’t just happen. It depends on how much control you take. If you take control, you can live the life you want after yachting. If you don’t take control, you’ll end up living a life dictated by…
Read More How to Build Another Life after Yachting in 10 steps

How to Break Free of the Golden Handcuffs of Yachting

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If you stay in yachting long enough, you’ll end up earning a very significant salary. And chances are, you’ll adapt your lifestyle to suit. That’s only human nature. But that makes leaving the yachting industry difficult. You’re wearing golden handcuffs…
Read More How to Break Free of the Golden Handcuffs of Yachting
Pensions Retirement Superyacht Captain

Pensions and Retirement Schemes for Yacht Captains

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If you were able to stop working on board the yacht today, what would you fill your days with? You would do things that give you a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment, wouldn’t you? And to do that, you…
Read More Pensions and Retirement Schemes for Yacht Captains
Financial Freedom for Superyacht Crew

Real Financial Independence for Superyacht Crew

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Many yacht crew think they’re financially independent already. They make a good (sometimes very good) income that pays for an exceptionally high standard of living. But you could argue that’s the worst kind of financial DEPENDENCY. We explain what true…
Read More Real Financial Independence for Superyacht Crew
Plan, Vehicles, Commitment investment pie chart

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Book a free 30-minute slot with one of us to talk about:

  • X = Where you want to go in life (X marks the spot)
  • Y = Why you want to go there
  • Z = Zest (How committed you are to getting there)
  • Whether we’re the right people to help you

We can give you valuable guidance about getting your life and financial plan up and running, and then through regular review ensure that you stay committed to it. Your Financial Plan will include individual long-term savings plans and investments.

Remember: Our life goal is to help you achieve your life and financial goals.

Are you ready for your ideal, independent life? Let’s find out together: