How to get a job in yachting/superyachts
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Find a Job on a Superyacht

Fast Track Your Yachting Career: Find a Job on a Superyacht It’s an appealing industry, but how do you get your first job on board a superyacht? Listen to this episode of Fast Track Your Yachting Career to find out everything you need to know about getting a your first job on board a superyacht…

10 Steps to life after yachting
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How to Build Another Life after Yachting in 10 steps

A fulfilling life doesn’t just happen. It depends on how much control you take. If you take control, you can live the life you want after yachting. If you don’t take control, you’ll end up living a life dictated by others. Here’s how to take control.

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How to Break Free of the Golden Handcuffs of Yachting

If you stay in yachting long enough, you’ll end up earning a very significant salary. And chances are, you’ll adapt your lifestyle to suit. That’s only human nature. But that makes leaving the yachting industry difficult. You’re wearing golden handcuffs. So how do you break free on your terms?

Pensions Retirement Superyacht Captain
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Pensions and Retirement Schemes for Yacht Captains

If you were able to stop working on board the yacht today, what would you fill your days with? You would do things that give you a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment, wouldn’t you? And to do that, you need money. Here’s a 10-step plan to make that happen.

Yacht Crew Salary Guide
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An Insider’s Guide to Yacht Crew Salaries

How much do yacht crew actually earn? That depends on a quite a few things, some of which you can control, others you can’t—or at least not in the short term. Let’s have a look and find out what superyacht crew are paid.