Money heading towards a target to illustrate the concept that investing needs purpose to make it effective.
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Investment Without Purpose: Why It Fails

Here’s something you’ve probably never been told before: Investment without purpose is meaningless. Here’s another one: Money is boring. Taken together, they are the two main reasons why for many superyacht crew investing is not only a wasted opportunity, but likely to fail miserably as well. And, unfortunately, a lot of the non-expert advice given to superyacht…

Understanding International / Offshore Investments: A Guide for Superyacht Crew
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Understanding International / Offshore Investments: A Guide for Superyacht Crew

‘Offshore investing’ or ‘international investing’ is often associated with the ultra-rich. In other words, the kind of people superyacht crew like you work for. It’s not seen as something the ordinary person can do, nor maybe even should do. There’s an aura of mystique about it and, let’s be honest, a feeling that offshore is…

How to Invest Properly
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How to Invest

Putting together a solid financial plan that is flexible enough to adapt to your changing circumstances, yet solid enough to overcome temporary investment setbacks, isn’t an easy thing to do. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it on your own. Of course you can. But that begs the question, should you do it on your own and do you have the time?