YFSOL Strategic Real Estate
Property can provide excellent returns, not necessarily correlated to the volatility of the stock market.
Investing directly in property can be fraught with liquidity and scale challenges. Put simply, not being able to sell at the correct time, not having enough capital to invest and having all your bricks in one building, so to speak.
However, investing in property via a property fund can avoid these issues. That’s what the YFSOL Strategic Real Estate (SRE) strategy is all about.
We have sourced fund managers who create added value to property investments by exploiting a particular business niche or sector of the overall market place.
For example, care homes, while not exciting are a proven added-value investment, giving much more interesting returns than regular property.
Property Niches
YFSOL SRE combines all these niches and sectors into one single strategy, giving you complete exposure to the whole strategic property arena.
The UK, in particular, has shown excellent growth in these particular sectors over recent years, in addition to the well documented continual surge in value of the London/SE England property market. Given this, the strategy is predominantly (but not exclusively) UK aligned to use the clear local expertise we already have available.
The YFSOL SRE strategy has a diverse selection of underlying funds—all with an existing track record.